Quarterly development

Income Statement

NOK 1 000 1th Quarter 2019 4th Quarter 2018 3th Quarter 2018 2th Quarter 2018 1th Quarter 2018
Total interest income 942,404 933,812 925,159 913,860 804,935
Total interest expenses -840,389 -856,896 -845,254 -821,721 -720,757
Net interest income 102,015 76,917 79,905 92,139 84,178
Net gains/losses from financial instruments 15,390 -113,543 -13,427 -125,375 -41,185
Net other operating income 15,390 -113,543 -13,427 -125,375 -41,185
Total operating income 117,405 -36,626 66,478 -33,236 42,993
Salaries and other ordinary personnel expenses -2,835 -2,527 -3,100 -2,860 -3,279
Other operating expenses -5,344 -6,145 -4,406 -4,901 -5,037
Total operating expenses -8,178 -8,672 -7,507 -7,761 -8,316
Operating result before losses 109,227 -45,299 58,971 -40,997 34,677
Write-downs on loans and guarantees -2,234 -520 272 -665 64
Pre-tax operating result 106,993 -45,819 59,243 -41,662 34,740
Taxes -26,748 11,453 -14,811 10,416 -8,685
Profit/loss for the year 80,245 -34,365 44,433 -31,247 26,055
Other income and expense -115,930 -104,207 -30,680 -81,450 10,254
Total Profit/Loss -35,685 -138,572 13,752 -112,696 36,309

Balance Sheet

NOK 1 000 31.03.2019 31.12.2018 30.09.2018 30.06.2018 31.03.2018
Lending to and deposits with credit institutions 5,111,110 12,990,004 11,411,753 9,270,163 6,778,074
Certificates and bonds 25,623,908 25,271,910 35,032,317 43,651,308 44,775,172
Lending to customers 188,171,797 184,073,918 183,811,362 182,852,976 181,205,294
Financial derivatives 17,447,357 23,183,793 15,982,953 17,220,292 20,488,383
Defered tax asset 3,484 - 10,055 6,573 2,968
Other assets 1,801 1,750 1,507 1,897 1,281
Total assets 236,359,456 245,521,375 246,249,947 253,003,210 253,251,172
Liabilities and equity          
Debt incurred by issuing securities 207,447,274 212,351,045 217,814,578 225,077,253 223,053,410
Collateral received under derivatives contracts 12,784,877 18,733,053 13,370,235 13,203,305 15,716,295
Repurchase agreement 1,508,401 - - - -
Financial derivatives 1,048,763 1,042,108 1,479,191 1,225,000 1,010,264
Deferred tax 733 39,377 102,675 112,902 140,052
Tax payable 15,503 15,503 - - -
Subordinated debt 1,431,965 1,606,160 1,603,108 1,603,084 1,603,656
Other Liabilities 164,711 150,763 148,423 130,959 193,433
Total Liabilities 224,402,227 233,938,010 234,518,210 241,352,503 241,717,109
Contributed equity 11,208,470 10,788,470 10,638,470 10,398,470 10,158,470
Other paid in equity (not yet registered) - - 150,000 240,000 240,000
Hybrid capital 1,180,000 1,180,000 1,180,000 1,180,000 1,180,000
Accrued equity -511,486 -389,980 -275,974 -234,848 -142,738
Net profit 80,245 4,876 39,241 -5,191 26,055
Declared dividends - - - 72,276 72,276
Total equity 11,957,229 11,583,366 11,731,737 11,650,707 11,534,063
Total liabilities and equity 236,359,456 245,521,375 246,249,947 253,003,210 253,251,173