Quarterly development

Income Statement

These quarterly statements are not individually audited and are included as additional information to these accounts.

NOK 1 000 2th Quarter 2018 1th Quarter 2018 4th Quarter 2017 3th Quarter 2017 2th Quarter 2017
Total interest income 913,860 804,935 809,548 822,416 900,887
Total interest expenses -821,721 -720,757 -701,413 -718,215 -777,648
Net interest income 92,139 84,178 108,134 104,201 123,239
Net gains/losses from financial instruments -125,375 -41,185 -153,411 -20,781 -205,252
Net other operating income -125,375 -41,185 -153,411 -20,781 -205,252
Total operating income -33,236 42,993 -45,277 83,420 -82,013
Salaries and other ordinary personnel expenses -2,860 -3,279 -3,081 -3,118 -2,429
Other operating expenses -4,901 -5,037 -6,679 -4,257 -6,317
Total operating expenses -7,761 -8,316 -9,760 -7,375 -8,746
Operating result before losses -40,997 34,677 -55,037 76,045 -90,759
Write-downs on loans and guarantees -665 64 - - -
Pre-tax operating result -41,662 34,740 -55,037 76,045 -90,759
Taxes 10,416 -8,685 13,750 -19,011 22,690
Profit/loss for the year -31,247 26,055 -41,286 57,034 -68,069
Other income and expense -81,450 10,254 -260 - -
Total Profit/Loss -112,696 36,309 -41,546 57,034 -68,069

Balance Sheet

NOK 1 000 30.06.2018 31.03.2018 31.12.2017 30.09.2017 30.06.2017
Lending to and deposits with credit institutions 9,270,163 6,778,074 3,044,644 4,200,397 10,490,289
Certificates and bonds 43,651,308 44,775,172 54,318,384 41,638,986 44,774,036
Residential mortgage loans 182,852,976 181,205,294 177,675,130 176,093,142 173,571,981
Financial derivatives 17,220,292 20,488,383 27,144,125 21,637,545 24,684,813
Defered tax asset 6,573 2,968 - 9,299 6,174
Other assets 1,897 1,281 1,188 992 1,109
Total assets 253,003,210 253,251,172 262,183,472 243,580,361 253,528,402
Liabilities and equity          
Debt incurred by issuing securities 225,077,253 223,053,410 224,462,981 211,526,141 216,466,932
Collateral received under derivatives contracts 13,203,305 15,716,295 23,628,253 17,848,036 23,245,875
Financial derivatives 1,225,000 1,010,264 898,292 1,231,492 1,074,719
Deferred tax 112,902 140,052 136,634 208,816 208,816
Tax payable - - - - -
Subordinated debt 1,603,084 1,603,656 1,603,356 1,603,253 1,603,328
Other Liabilities 130,959 193,433 182,231 126,173 89,939
Total Liabilities 241,352,503 241,717,109 250,911,747 232,543,911 242,689,610
Contributed equity 10,398,470 10,158,470 9,858,470 9,708,470 9,708,470
Other paid in equity (not yet registered) 240,000 240,000 300,000 150,000 -
Hybrid capital 1,180,000 1,180,000 1,180,000 1,080,000 1,080,000
Accrued equity -234,848 -142,738 -139,022 121,938 131,314
Net profit -5,191 26,055 - -137,908 -194,942
Declared dividends 72,276 72,276 72,276 113,950 113,950
Total equity 11,650,707 11,534,063 11,271,724 11,036,449 10,838,792
Total liabilities and equity 253,003,210 253,251,173 262,183,472 243,580,361 253,528,402