Quarterly development

Income Statement

These quarterly statements are not individually audited and are included as additional information to these accounts.

NOK 1 000 3th Quarter 2017 2th Quarter 2017 1th Quarter 2017 4th Quarter 2016 3th Quarter 2016
Total interest income 822,416 900,887 937,419 972,314 942,275
Total interest expenses -718,215 -777,648 -847,140 -883,715 -839,655
Net interest income 104,201 123,239 90,278 88,599 102,620
Net gains/losses from financial instruments -20,781 -205,252 -250,917 -262,950 -181,345
Net other operating income -20,781 -205,252 -250,917 -262,950 -181,345
Total operating income 83,420 -82,013 -160,639 -174,351 -78,725
Salaries and other ordinary personnel expenses -7,374 -8,746 -8,525 -10,156 -9,587
Other operating expenses -4,257 -6,317 -5,136 -7,050 -6,427
Total operating expenses -7,375 -8,746 -8,525 -10,156 -9,587
Operating result before losses 76,045 -90,759 -169,164 -184,507 -88,312
Write-downs on loans and guarantees - - - - -
Pre-tax operating result 76,045 -90,759 -169,164 -184,507 -88,312
Taxes -19,011 22,690 42,291 46,126 22,078
Profit/loss for the year 57,034 -68,069 -126,873 -138,381 -66,234
Other income and expense - - - -791 -
Total Profit/Loss 57,034 -68,069 -126,873 -139,172 -66,234

Balance Sheet

NOK 1 000 30.09.2017 30.06.2017 31.03.2017 31.12.2016 30.09.2016
Lending to and deposits with credit institutions 4,200,397 10,490,289 8,251,587 8,129,096 10,261,328
Certificates and bonds 41,638,986 44,774,036 40,229,178 42,506,617 49,042,899
Lending to customers 176,093,142 173,571,981 175,654,209 174,463,203 173,328,663
Financial derivatives 21,637,545 24,684,813 25,160,358 27,150,388 27,278,826
Defered tax asset 9,299 6,174 3,005 - -
Other assets 992 1,109 1,703 1,543 2,262
Total assets 243,580,361 253,528,402 249,300,040 252,250,848 259,913,978
Liabilities and equity          
Debt incurred by issuing securities 211,526,141 216,466,932 212,822,181 213,056,583 220,083,440
Collateral received under derivatives contracts 17,848,036 23,245,875 22,005,476 24,304,397 25,331,451
Financial derivatives 1,231,492 1,074,719 1,514,308 1,781,221 1,415,786
Deferred tax 208,816 208,816 208,816 208,816 380,104
Tax payable - - 124,898 124,898 -
Subordinated debt 1,603,253 1,603,328 1,603,633 1,603,778 2,684,461
Other Liabilities 126,173 89,939 104,359 117,865 117,308
Total Liabilities 232,543,911 242,689,610 238,383,671 241,197,558 250,012,550
Contributed equity 9,708,470 9,708,470 9,708,470 9,498,470 9,498,470
Other paid in equity (not yet registered) 150,000 - - 210,000 -
Hybrid capital 1,080,000 1,080,000 1,070,986 1,081,034 -
Accrued equity 121,938 131,314 149,836 149,836 374,328
Net profit -137,908 -194,942 -126,873 - 28,630
Declared dividends 113,950 113,950 113,950 113,950  
Total equity 11,036,449 10,838,792 10,916,369 11,053,290 9,901,428
Total liabilities and equity 243,580,361 253,528,402 249,300,040 252,250,848 259,913,978